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In the last few years Poland has become the fastest growing economy in the EU and in 2009 it was the only EU country to avoid a recession. Economic success offers great business opportunities and makes Poland a destination for many foreign investors. Doing business in Poland is not always easy. Next to language and cultural differences, foreign entrepreneurs need to deal with a complex administration and with the different  legal system. This raises the need to use the services of a professional attorney, who not only can speak a Polish language, but also knows the legal order in Poland. Our Polish Law attorney Rafał Bartłomiej Kowalski can advise you on all legal issues related to the Polish law and if necessary, will conduct extrajudicial and judicial proceedings related to the area of contracts, company establishment and debt recovery.

If you have any questions related to doing business in Poland or dealing with your Polish business partners, please feel free to contact our Polish lawyer Rafał Bartłomiej Kowalski directly via the contact form or by phone.