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Rafał Bartłomiej Kowalski

Rafał is a qualified advocate in Polish law, holding over 15 years professional experience. Rafał is based in Wroclaw, Poland where he runs his Law practice supporting international clients and clients across Poland.

Rafał graduated in 2004 from full-time law studies at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wroclaw, defending master’s thesis in the Chair of Criminal Law under the auspices of Professor Tomasz Kaczmarek, PhD, DSc.

Within the period from 2004 to 2007 he served judicial training at the Appeal Court in Wroclaw, which he completed in 2007, passing the judge examination with a better than good (B) grade. In the same year, he started serving his advocate training at the District Bar Association in Wroclaw.

In 2009, as a result of passing the judge's exam and serving his apprenticeship, he was entered on the list of advocates at the Warsaw Bar Association. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Bar Association in Wroclaw, entered on the list of advocates of the District Bar Association in Wroclaw (entry number 1269).

Rafał gained his professional experience in one of the most renowned law firms in Wroclaw, providing ongoing legal services to economic entities and legal assistance to individuals.

Since May 2009, he has been running his own Bar practice. In the area of his professional practice, he advise enterprises in, inter alia, the construction, medical, pharmaceutical and hotel industries. Additionally, Rafał has extensive experience in executing due diligence audits of economic entities prior to their acquisition, and assisting counter parties in processes related to the sale or liquidation of their enterprises.

Rafał provides services throughout the entire Republic of Poland and has extensive experience in supporting international companies in Poland.